At long last I've finally polished off another chapter. All that leaves now is surviving the editing process, throwing together a sumary and conclusions chapter (much of which was will probably be taken from the most recently completed chapter), slapping together some appendices and convincing my committee to sign off on the thing.
Let's review our quick dissertation stats, for those of you playing along at home:
Number of Chapters Drafted: 7
Chapters Remaining: 1/2 to 1
Pages-to-Date: 225
Morale: Flat--mainly as a result of the family moving
Formatting: Appendicies are my enemy
As mentioned above, Erin and the girls are heading to Texas on Saturday. While I'm excited for my family that's in Texas to begin getting extended time with my wife and kiddos, said excitement is considerably muted since I won't be able to get down to Texas until sometime in September. Nevertheless, the apartment is almost finished being packed, and Erin and the girls seem like they're ready for the big trip. I suppose it's time for me to resubmerge into deep end of the dissertation pool, so I'll sign off for now.